Accredited tutor with CLAS

I am delighted to have received accredited tutor status with the Calligraphy and Lettering Arts Society (CLAS). I am also PTTLLS qualified to teach in Adult Education.

This is the sort of feedback I get from my learners! "I loved my day and will practice at home. I spend quite a lot of my working life running learning events for adults and you really are a stunningly good teacher.Looking forward to my next class already. " and

"…dear Tina thank you for a wonderful workshop yesterday.  We arrive to find everything ready and set out for us – supplies to buy, books and exemplars to read and inspire, beautiful name tags for each of us, delicious cakes ready to eat and healthy grapes to make us feel less guilty!  And from start to finish, you never cease to teach, encourage and inspire your pupils."